Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You may contact us by calling+1 908-2858620 or +1908-33333326

Fax :908.862.1944 or via email at

or or or

50 Greewood Avenue Suite A6 ,MontClair,NEW JERSEY 07042

The GEDUS NETWORKS was formed by Mr Daniel Kouaho(Human Rights Defender in the USA)in the hope of helping all vulnerable members of society to improve their lives. When asked why provide these messages on a regular basis, he says, "Because we all make mistakes every day so we all could use some help remembering important educational information as well as being reminded of morally uplifting messages, all for the purpose of helping us improve our lives and the lives of those around us.".

Vision Statement:to improve the quality of life in Union and Essex Counties,by providing effective and high quality services to women and youths.

Mission Statement:TO PROVIDE FREE ACCESS TO EDUCATION,COUNSELING and GUIDANCE to all WOMEN and YOUTHS and THEIR FAMILIES. We use public spaces (SUCH AS BEAUTY SALONS) as a vehicle for empowering vulnerable members of the society, especially women.—delivering women workshops, women counseling group sessions, One to One Women Counseling , life Coaching-- we broaden the minds and thoughts of countless mothers in need of support, young mothers, single mothers, mothers-to be, in the hope of bettering their lives for brighter communities.

1. Listening fully our clients in need of guidance and counseling
2. The belief in the innate brilliance of each vulnerable disadvantaged, low income member of our communities, especially women.
3. The importance of creating and building community to support vulnerable members of society, including women everywhere and create stronger families and a better world.

Those Corporations,Beauty Schools&Salons,Manufacturers,Small Businesses and Counseling Agencies and generous individuals who are interested in donating and partnering with GEDUS NETWORKS,Inc can call and reach our Donation section at +1908.285.8620 or email us at :

To open many BIG SALONS that will serve as resource and counseling centers for women in all american counties where there is urgent need to support the low income women populations.

President Founder,BOARD MEMBER: Daniel Kouaho at

BOARD MEMBER :Marie E Toussaint & Email:

BOARD MEMBER:Manoucheka BARGE & Email:

HR Coordinator,BOOK KEEPER: Monique Christian


Program Development Coordinator/ :Katia Theodore


Workshop Coordinator: Manoucheka Barge


*Fundraising Arts Project's Coordinator: Alassane Baguian

Email: or

Partnership Coordinator: Patience Owusu

Email: or

Donation Coordinator :Ana Bautista &

Martial Arts Programs Coordinator: Thomas Daly

Email: or

Massage Therapist :Alfonso Bautista & Email:

If you have a great interest in a career and volunteering with us at Global Education US NETWORKS ,please contact our HR Section via email :

Yes.Our team of devoted Facilitators are capable to deliver empowerment women group sessions in English ,Spanish,haitian Creole,French etc. For further Information,just reach the staff of volunteers at GEDUS NETWORSKS,Inc .

Global Education US is a legitimate charitable 501C3 non-profit organization(since 2009), so the participants attending all our women workshops events pay no money as we target the low income populations of Union and Essex Counties in NEW JERSEY.